Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dear Mr Poe

This was a new idea for Halloween.  I had the birdcage from a thrift store find and the creativity kept flowing... Love my spray paint and the winner for this project was the can of Black...I painted an old ruler, a bunch of branches and the picture frame.  The ruler worked so well for the perch of the crow/raven from the $ store.  The braches from the yard were painted black as well and used behind the birdcage for a bit of "spookiness" according to my 9 yr old.  :)  Quoting "The Raven" in the $ store frame spray painted black with another $ store crow/raven on top.  Finishing it off with broken branches outside of the cage and in front of the frame. I believe Mr. Poe, you would have been proud!! :)

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